Your sense of worth or success should never come at the cost of your health or happiness.
You can do hard things. In fact, you can and you will, however when the cost begins to impact your health, your happiness or even your sanity then perhaps it’s time to seriously take stock!
We have been taught all our lives to think in a way that makes sense to our culture. We believe doing what is right, by keeping going, by ignoring our feelings we will ultimately stay safe. Instead as a population we’re more anxious, depressed, burned out and overwhelmed than ever before.

In my coaching sessions I’ll show you how self-compassion and a change in perspective can help you work towards finding inner peace, life balance, and a real sense of fulfilment in your life.
I’ll help you move through the overwhelm quickly.
How do I do this?
You have a whole range of innate abilities which when accessed will help guide you into clarity, increased confidence, energy, vitality and ultimately they will help you to THRIVE in what probably feels like a really difficult time for you right now.
What can you expect in a session?
We are often too close to our own ‘stuff’. It can be very helpful to hear our thoughts (sometimes self-limiting beliefs) said out loud in front of someone else. This alone can offer us insight into our usual patterns, unhelpful habits and psychological sticking points. Add to this my experience in asking just the right question at the right moment, and you have the opportunity to gain extra understanding of yourself, your current life and the future that you want.
The more important the issue (and what could be more important than your future?) the greater the number of thoughts and feelings you’ll be dealing with. It can be a confusing picture. I will provide you with the space, support and tools to establish clarity. Together, we will regain your focus and develop your priorities.
Here’s where you really start to make a difference. Right from the first session, we will identify ‘next actions’ together. Sometimes these will be small steps and sometimes great leaps forward. You will begin to take the steps necessary to cope with the changes that you are experiencing. We will establish your priorities and realistic timescales. Most of all, you will begin to make the changes necessary to achieve the future you desire.
My specialities
- Female Empowerment – Supercharge your Confidence & Self Esteem
- Burn Out – Feel rejuvenated. Awaken your energy, vitality. Improve the quality of your life and design a new future vision.
Midlife Reinvention – Rediscover your true self, awaken your energy, vitality and future vision.
- Inner Child Connection – Heal from neglect heartbreak and challenges from your past.
For a FREE 20 min consultation by Zoom contact me at dawn@dawnbreslin.com

About Dawn
Dawn Breslin is a leading light in the field of coaching and personal transformation. In the last 25 years through her work as a TV & Radio Expert/presenter, best-selling Hay House author, inspirational keynote speaker and media consultant for some of the world’s leading brands Dawn has inspired thousands of individuals to heal, re-energise and transform their lives.
Dawn is a Master Trainer in the field of Coaching. She is the Founder of The Harmonizing Emotional Wellbeing Coaching Academy, a new innovation in coaching which offers Coaches, healers, therapists and HR professionals a suite of coaching tools designed to guide clients into a more nourishing, meaningful and sustainable experience of life & success.
Dawn’s knowledge in the field of Coaching and personal development has grown from her practical experience of post-natal depression and extreme emotional, financial and energetic burnout, plus twenty years of consistent study and practice in the field of human potential.

“Dawn made a HUGE impact on GMTV when she transformed the lives of 3 of our viewers.
She’s a wise woman and will give you the tools to be really happy.”
Lorraine Kelly, Television Presenter